Suzanne Yee, MD


Jul 27, 2009 @ 09:41 PM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Laser


If you haven’t already heard, we have a new addition to our family of lasers, the Isolaze! The Isolaze combines both vacuum suction and laser light therapy. The hand piece creates a suction mechanism that removes both impurities from pores and dead skin cells. The laser light therapy shrinks the glands which are located inside the pores that secrete oils responsible for most types of acne.

The Isolaze also offers beneficial treatments to individuals not suffering from acne. Isolaze treatments can help rejuvenate damaged skin pigmentation caused by distress from the sun. Isolaze has also been proven to reduce redness and the decrease the size of unsightly, large pores. The Isolaze is a virtually painless treatment to help you achieve a beautiful, long lasting glow.