Suzanne Yee, MD

Liposuction vs. LipoSelection by Vaser

Dec 3, 2010 @ 09:32 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Liposuction

When I trained and started doing Liposuction surgery, we were taught the traditional Tumescent Liposuction technique.  After training, I continued using this method, which involves an injection of tumescent fluid into the subcutaneous fat, or fat under the skin.  Next, I would insert a cannula into the fatty tissue and remove the fat cells from the body with a suction vacuum.  This traditional method is very invasive, due to the aggressive back and forth motion the physician must perform in order to break up the fatty tissue for removal.  The harsh thrusting causes damage to both surrounding tissue and nerves, which could possibly cause a “lumpy” end result.    I could re-contour a patient’s face or body, and they were happy with this technique, but the recovery period was long and could be painful.  Although this technique was good, I wanted to find something better for my patients, with both fabulous results and less recovery time.  I researched and found a more advanced technique that would be 10 times as effective as traditional Liposuction, Vaser LipoSeleciton.


I was thrilled when I learned of Vaser LipoSelection, because I knew immediately this would add significant benefits to my results and patients’ desires.  During this procedure, the selected fatty tissue is injected with a saline solution which causes the targeted tissue to expand and depresses surrounding tissue.  After the solution is injected, the physician uses a very small probe which emits ultrasonic frequency that loosens the fat cells.  This frequency dissolves the cells for easy removal, where as with traditional Liposuction, the tissue is being torn apart.  Because the Vaser selects and targets the fatty tissue, there is less blood loss and tissue damage.  Also, the Vaser ensures recovery time is less painful, with less discomfort, and minimal bruising when compared to traditional Liposuction.   Another bonus is the tremendous tissue tightening with little or no sagging skin, up to 53% improvement when compared to the traditional Liposuction technique.


I have been performing the Vaser LipoSelecetion technique for over 5 years and use Vaser on all of my liposuction patients.  I continue to use Vaser, because I want to assure my patients will gain the benefits of not only a better body contour, but the results they desired.