Suzanne Yee, MD

Preventing Wrinkles in your 20s' & 30s' with Botox

Feb 22, 2011 @ 07:45 PM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Botox

Over the past month, we have had birthday celebrations for 3 of my precious, 20-something year old staff members!  These    H-A-P-P-Y office celebrations made me think about the young ladies who come to my office, and their increase of interest in wrinkle prevention.  “What can I do now to prevent wrinkles later?”.  In the past, Botox was considered the fountain of youth for the rich, famous, slightly older women of privilege.  Now, physicians all over the world are using Botox to prevent wrinkle formation in their 20-30 something year old patients.   Some may say getting Botox injections in your 20s’ & 30s’ is taking the Cosmetic craze a little too far, but when you look at the facts it doesn’t seem too absurd.  Life is an emotional rollercoaster and there is no age period more emotional than your 20s’ & 30s’, the quarter life crisis.  We all make involuntary facial expressions when we show emotion, and the most noticeable is the furrowing of the brow in the glabellular region.  This is the area between the eyebrows most commonly referred to as the “11s’”.  Glabellular wrinkles develop in your 20s’ and continue to deepen as you age, making them difficult to correct when you are older.  Botox is used to treat this area by slightly paralyzing the muscles, which makes it difficult for the muscles to contract when furrowing the brow.   Many young women have discovered Botox can be used as a preventative measure to delay the formation of these wrinkles and won’t have to take drastic measures to correct wrinkles as they age, should they choose.   If you decide to use Botox as a preventative, always remember LESS IS MORE! Be sure to not go overboard, you do not want the “frozen look”!  Just the tiniest bit usually does the trick, and you’ll be on the way to your fabulous 40s’ with no 11s’!