Suzanne Yee, MD

My 10 "Must Have" Products for Spring

Feb 24, 2011 @ 02:05 PM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Skin Care


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Spring is time for renewal, rebirth, and re-wardrobing!  It's time to throw out the turtle necks and pull out the scoop necks, but wait...LOOK at that neck!  The neck is one of the first areas to show signs of aging through sun damage, crepiness, and loose skin.  Thankfully, REVISION Skincare has developed a product to restore firmness in the neck & decolletage in 28 days!  REVISION's Nectifirm is on my list for the combination of advanced, skin strengthening ingredients and proven clinical research.  As we age, the skin on our neck takes on many characteristics that make us appear older than our actual age, such as; deep creases, crepiness, vertical cords, fatty tissue, and discoloration (REVISION Skincare).   REVISION Skincare, INC states in clinical trials, Nectifirm ingredients were proven to increase firmness by 40% in 28 days, reduce wrinkles by 50% in 3 months, decrease wrinkle depth by 40%, decrease wrinkle volume by 60%, 40% decrease in surface area occupied by deep wrinkles, and 76% of panelist experienced a reduced appearance of fine lines & wrinkles!  With this much scientific backing, your skin will regain it's SPRING in no time!