Suzanne Yee, MD

Summer of Love Your Skin with Ultherapy!

Jun 23, 2011 @ 07:48 PM — by
Tagged with: Skin Tightening




Summer of Love Your Skin!

We can’t stress enough the importance of using sunscreen – all over and often. There’s also something else you can do for your skin NOW that will help you look great come Fall and beyond: Ultherapy® Ultrasound.

Using a non-invasive ultrasound in a 30-60 minute visit, we are able to lift and tone the skin without surgery and without downtime – afterwards you can head straight for the beach with your hat and sunscreen in hand. The heat from the ultrasound, delivered deep below the surface of the skin, encourages the production of new, stronger collagen over time, which gradually firms and shifts the skin upward to a more youthful position.


                                                        ultra. sound. summer!

                                  Call us today for more information about Ultherapy.