Suzanne Yee, MD

April is Rosacea Awareness Month

Apr 9, 2012 @ 12:14 PM — by
Tagged with: Dr Suzanne Yee Obagi Ipl Rosacea Little Rock

Most of you may not know that April is Rosacea Awareness Month. In fact, even though 1 in 20 Americans have rosacea, most people with it don’t even realize they have it. Because you, a loved one, or a friend could develop rosacea, take a few minutes to learn a little about this common, yet barely known skin condition. -  Rosacea is a skin condition that causes the skin to appear flushed and red in color.  Rosacea most commonly effects the face, areas including; forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin.  Laser treatments, such as the IPL (intense pulsed light) reduce the flushing of rosacea up to 60%!  There are also skin care systems available specifically designed to combat signs and symptoms of rosacea.   The OBAGI Rosaclear System reduces the symptoms caused by Rosacea, by calming the skin without irritation.  This system is available as a kit, or by individual products.  With this being said, we would like to acknowledge Rosacea Awareness Month by offering 20% off IPL Packages and 20% off Rosaclear Products!!!