Suzanne Yee, MD

The SmartLipo Procedure

Nov 14, 2013 @ 12:00 PM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Liposuction Plastic Surgery

At her plastic surgery practice, Dr. Suzanne Yee is dedicated to offering her patients the highest quality cosmetic procedures. She ensures that her patients are getting the best treatment available by participating in training and seminars that teach her the latest cosmetic surgery techniques. Among the advanced techniques that Dr. Yee has to offer her Little Rock patients is SmartLipo, the first liposuction procedure that is assisted by laser technology. SmartLipo is a minimally invasive procedure that allows patients to achieve the body contour they desire with significantly less downtime than traditional liposuction.

The Surgical Process

SmartLipo is a surgical procedure that is commonly performed with the patient under the effects of local anesthesia. Dr. Yee will begin the procedure by making a series of tiny incisions in the area that is to be treated. Through these incisions, Dr. Yee will place a small cannula, which is a suctioning tube. This cannula will be equipped with a special laser that delivers pulses of energy to fat cells in the body. The laser energy causes the fat cells to liquefy and they are then suctioned out of the body through the cannula.

Aside from liquefying fat deposits so that they can be eliminated from the body, the laser used in SmartLipo also interacts with the dermis. The laser energy can shrink collagen, resulting in smoother and tighter skin. This helps the skin conform to the body’s new contour so that patients are not left with loose, baggy skin.

When the procedure has been completed, the incisions will be closed and the patient will be placed in appropriate compression garments to aid in the healing process and reduce swelling. Most patients recover from SmartLipo rather quickly and are able to return to work within a few days after treatment.


Patients who undergo SmartLipo treatment will immediately notice the results of a slimmer and more pleasing body contour, as well as firmer and smoother skin. These results will continue to improve for up to three months following treatment. In addition to these aesthetic benefits, SmartLipo offers patients the following unique advantages:

Contact Us

Dr. Suzanne Yee offers her patients the best they could want in a plastic surgeon: a balance of scientific knowledge and artistic talent. These skills allow Dr. Yee to provide patients with the beautiful aesthetics they seek by utilizing the most advanced cosmetic techniques. Contact us at your earliest convenience to learn more about SmartLipo or any of the other cosmetic procedures available at our cosmetic and laser surgery center. We look forward to hearing from you!