Suzanne Yee, MD

Breast Lift Techniques to Meet Your Needs

May 12, 2015 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Breast Lift Plastic Surgery

As you get older, your skin and muscles start to lose elasticity. This process can affect all areas of your body, including your breasts. Pregnancy and nursing can exacerbate this natural process, leading to stretched skin and drooping breasts. Fortunately, Dr. Yee can enhance your figure and self-confidence with a breast lift. During this procedure, she will remove damaged, excess skin. She will also reposition your breast muscles to give you a firmer, perkier bust line. If desired, she can combine a breast lift with additional treatments to achieve more dramatic results. Dr. Yee will use one of several different techniques to perform your breast lift. At your consultation, she will evaluate your skin elasticity, natural proportions, and cosmetic goals. Then she will plan the procedure that is most suitable for you. To learn more about breast lift techniques, contact our Little Rock practice today.

Incision Patterns

When planning your breast lift, the incision pattern is one of the most important considerations. Though some patterns will leave more noticeable scars, these incisions will achieve the most dramatic results. The various options include:

Combining a Breast Lift with Implants

Aging can affect the size, as well as the shape, of your breasts. Therefore, like many women, you may choose to receive breast implants at the same time as your breast lift. Dr. Yee offers both saline and silicone implants. They come in many different shapes and sizes, and your doctor will help you select the implants that are most appropriate for your cosmetic goals. She will place them through the existing incisions. Therefore, you will not have any extra scarring as a result of these combined procedures.

Combining a Breast Lift with Liposuction

Perhaps you desire slightly smaller breasts. A breast reduction will typically yield the most dramatic results. However, if you want more moderate improvement, liposuction can be a good solution. Dr. Yee proudly offers advanced LipoSelection by VASER®. Ultrasound waves will break apart stubborn fat cells in the treatment area. Then Dr. Yee can more accurately suction them out with minimal impact to the surrounding blood vessels and other tissues. She also offers SmartLipo. This laser-assisted procedure can give you firmer, more youthful skin, as well as a more contoured figure.

Find Out the Most Suitable Breast Lift Technique for You

With so many different breast lift techniques to choose from, Dr. Yee can plan out a precise treatment just for you. Contact our office today to book an appointment and find out how we can restore your figure and self-confidence.