Suzanne Yee, MD

Enhance the Appearance of the Breasts with Areola Reduction

Jan 12, 2016 @ 11:52 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Breast Surgery

The size and shape of the breasts have a huge impact on their overall appearance, but the appearance of the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple) is also important. If the areola is too large, is stretched, or droops, the aesthetics of the breast will be affected. Breast surgery can address cosmetic flaws concerning the size and shape of the breasts and areola to enhance the natural beauty of the breasts and improve a woman’s self-confidence. Cosmetic surgeon Suzanne Yee offers breast surgery and areola reduction at our Little Rock, AR practice to give women the shapely, attractive bust line they desire.

Candidates for Areola Reduction

Areola reduction is a surgical solution for patients who feel self-conscious about the size or shape of their areolas. This procedure can reduce the size of large or stretched areolas, and lift areolas that have begun to droop downwards. Any patient that is in good general health and has a clear understanding of the areola reduction procedure, as well as realistic expectations for the results of treatment, may be an ideal candidate for this procedure.

The Procedure

Areola reduction is an outpatient procedure that is generally performed with the patient under the effects of local anesthesia. To improve the size and shape of the areola, an incision will be made around its perimeter. Excess skin or tissue will be removed via this incision in order to create smaller, more proportionate areolas. The incision will then be closed, gauze will be placed over the breasts, and a compression garment will be placed to promote proper healing. While the breasts are likely to be sore after surgery, if areola reduction is the only procedure that has been performed, then most patients are able to resume their regular activities within a day or two after surgery.

Additional Breast Procedures

Areola reduction can be performed on its own. However, in most cases, patients require additional surgical treatment to get the full results that they desire from breast surgery. Depending on the needs and desires of each patient, areola reduction can be performed alongside other breast surgery procedures, including the following:

Schedule an Appointment

Every woman deserves to have the attractive bust line she desires. If you wish to enhance the appearance of your breasts by improving the size and shape of the breasts or areola, Dr. Suzanne Yee can help. Schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience to learn more about our breast surgery options and find out which can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.