Suzanne Yee, MD

The Dish on ThermiVa

Mar 9, 2016 @ 11:34 AM — by
Tagged with: Thermiva Dr Suzanne Yee Little Rock Arkansas

You know you're interested.... Some of us are just more shy than others, especially when it comes to "down there".  Many women experience medical and cosmetic issues with vaginal tissue; laxity (inside and outside), dryness, and incontinence.  Both childbirth and the natural aging process can cause the external and internal tissue of the vagina to degenerate, causing and lax appearance outside, laxity inside, hormonal dryness, and urinary leakage.  ThermiVa is the first treatment of it's kind to help you reclaim, restore, and revive!  ThermiVa uses radio frequency to boost collagen through controlled heat.



Although childbirth is miracle, it can wreak havoc on the vagina.  The process of giving birth puts strain on all of your pelvic muscles, and as the baby is crowning, all of the vaginal tissues are stretched to measure that you never thought possible.  Many women will tear, or be cut, to allow the baby to pass through the vaginal opening.  If this happens, women will receive sutures to close the incision.  A majority of the time, the tissue will never be the same.  The tissue becomes lax and sagging in appearance and the internal structure stretches, so urinary control becomes an issue.


Every woman will go through "the change", some women's symptoms are worse than others.  One of the main symptoms is vaginal dryness.  Vaginal dryness and decrease in lubrication can cause intercourse to become very painful.  This may put strain on your relationship, or cause you to become less interested in sex.  This can put a toll on your relationship with your partner.

ThermiVa Procedure

ThermiVa is non-surgical solution to help correct the deterioration in the vaginal tissue.  The ThermiVa procedure is relatively simple.  The laser technician will clean the area, apply gel, and use an instrument to transmit radio frequency waves both inside and outside of your vagina. She will use the attached computer to carefully set the device to the right amount of energy. The heat generated by the ThermiVa™ machine will help shrink your cells, tighten your tissue, and encourage greater collagen production. This treatment requires no anesthesia and most patients experience little to no discomfort. Dr. Yee will perform ThermiVa™ in increments of five minutes to achieve your desired results. Patients require 2-3 sessions initially, and then a maintenance treatment once a year. ThermiVa™ outcomes continue to develop for about six months after initial treatment.

With ThermiVa, we are hoping to help women restore and revive with this simple treatment. Get you confidence back by calling us today for more information!