Suzanne Yee, MD

All About the Areolar Breast Augmentation Incision Technique

Mar 15, 2016 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

Dr. Suzanne Yee achieves consistently natural-looking, aesthetically pleasing results for patients who elect to undergo breast augmentation at her cosmetic and laser surgery center. She takes the time to help patients understand their options before they commit to surgery, including the size, shape, and texture of breast implants and whether the implant should be placed above or beneath the pectoralis muscle. Most importantly, she helps them to define their goals and expectations so that they will be more likely to be satisfied with their results.

Many patients are surprised to learn that they have control over so many elements of their breast augmentation surgeries, including over the location and type of incision through which the breast implants are placed. One of the most popular incision techniques used by Dr. Yee is the areolar breast augmentation incision. At her Little Rock, AR plastic surgery practice, patients who choose this incision technique are able to achieve exceptional results with minimally visible scarring.

Are you a good candidate for breast augmentation using the areolar incision technique? To find out, schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Suzanne Yee today.

What Is the Areolar Breast Augmentation Incision Technique?

The areolar breast augmentation incision technique offers many unique benefits among breast augmentation incision techniques. The areola is the dark circle of skin that encompasses the nipple. This technique involves placing an incision along the lower edge of the border of the areola. Dr. Yee then places the breast implant through this incision. She has exceptional control over the placement of the implant due to how close the incision is to the breast itself, which is one of the primary benefits of this incision technique.

Once the incision heals, the resulting scar from the surgery tends to blend in relatively inconspicuously with the border of the areola, which is another chief benefit of this incision technique. The scar may be apparent upon close inspection, but only when the patient is completely topless, and even then, it does not affect the lighter skin of the breast as some techniques would.

The areolar breast augmentation incision technique is not necessarily well suited to every patient, however. Patients who opt for larger silicone-gel breast implants may not be able to have their implants placed through areolar incisions. Also, patients should be aware of the risk of post-surgical scar thickening, which could cause the scars to take on a puffy appearance over time and therefore become more conspicuous.

Dr. Yee will discuss all of the available incision techniques available to patients during their breast augmentation consultations. Patients who are concerned with visible scarring after their surgeries may also wish to consider the transaxillary technique, in which the incision is placed in the underarm. Dr. Yee will help you decide which technique is best suited to your particular case based on your unique needs and goals.

Learn More about the Areolar Breast Augmentation Incision

To learn more about the areolar breast augmentation incision technique, please contact the plastic surgery practice of Dr. Suzanne Yee today.