Suzanne Yee, MD

Showering and Plastic Surgery

Jun 13, 2018 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery procedures can transform your appearance and make you feel more confident about yourself. However, if patients choose to undergo cosmetic surgery, they must be willing to commit to following the post-surgical instructions provided by the surgeon.

At Dr. Suzanne Yee’s practice, she performs body contouring and facial plastic surgery procedures to rejuvenate the face and body. Prior to surgery, Dr. Yee will discuss all post-surgical guidelines, including information about showering before and after surgery. Read on to learn more, and then contact our Little Rock, AR practice to schedule your consultation with us.

Instructions for Showering the Night before Surgery

The night before surgery, you should take a shower. Be sure to wash your hair at this time, as it may be a few days before you can wash it again. In addition, you should wash the body with antibacterial soap to reduce the risk of infection.

Showering after Surgery

Some patients may take a shower the day after surgery, while others will have to wait a few days. We will provide you with your specific instructions at your pre-surgical appointment.

Less Invasive Procedures

If you underwent a less invasive plastic surgery procedure, such as chin liposuction, that does not require the use of the drain, you may be able to shower the day after surgery.

We ask that patients refrain from showering after they get home the day of their procedure because they will be feeling groggy and disoriented from the anesthesia.

The next day, patients may shower, but keep it short so you don’t overexert yourself. Avoid washing your hair at this time so you don’t have to lift your arms over your head or potentially disturb any facial incisions.

While showering, be sure to keep the incision sites out of the direct spray of water; a direct spray of water could cause the incision to re-open.

Patients with Drains

In some cases, patients will need to wait a few days before taking a shower. This typically applies to patients that underwent more invasive surgery and require drains to draw fluid out of the treatment area.

It can be difficult to shower with drains, so we may ask patients to not take a shower until the drain is removed. Instead, patients can fill a clean basin with fresh, soapy water, and use a soft sponge or washcloth to clean the body. Be sure to be gentle around any incisions and drains. If you must wash your hair, do it in the sink and have a friend or family help you.

Avoid Baths, Hot Tubs, and Pools for Two Weeks

To avoid the risk of infection, patients should avoid baths, hot tubs, pools, lakes, the ocean, or any other bodies of water. Do not go in for at least two weeks. It will take at least two weeks for the incisions to close; if the incisions haven’t closed over after two weeks, it is not a good idea to go into these bodies of water.

To find out if plastic surgery is right for you, contact Dr. Yee’s practice today.