Suzanne Yee, MD

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

Jan 3, 2022 @ 12:53 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Liposuction Cost

Many people struggle with stubborn fat deposits. This type of weight gain can be resistant to even the most disciplined diet and exercise routines. Individuals who are looking to eliminate unwanted fat for good, and improve body contours, may be ideal candidates for liposuction. Liposuction breaks down and removes fat from targeted areas of the body so that people enjoy a slimmer and more toned appearance.

While liposuction offers promising results, individuals often ask about liposuction costs. Plastic surgeon Suzanne Yee prepares her Little Rock, AR, patients for how much liposuction treatment could cost, and discusses financing options that may allow liposuction to fit more comfortably within their budget.

Average Range of Liposuction Treatment

The best way to obtain an accurate estimate of liposuction costs is to undergo a personal consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Yee. However, individuals who want to get a general idea of liposuction costs can consider the average range of treatment expenses in their area. 

The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (ABCS) maintains a cosmetic surgery pricing calculator that gives the low and high end of treatment costs based on what type of plastic surgery is being performed, and the zip code where treatment is being provided. According to the ABCS calculator, the low range of liposuction treatment costs in Little Rock is $1,600, and the higher range sits at $13,000. It is important to note that these price ranges account only for the surgeon’s fee, and not the additional expense of the operating room or anesthesia fees.

Factors that Affect Liposuction Costs

For many, the wide range of potential liposuction costs is surprising. The reason that the cost of liposuction can vary so greatly from one patient to another is because there are several different factors that affect the total expense of liposuction treatment. Factors that have the greatest impact on liposuction costs include:

Is Financing Available?

Dr. Yee believes that everyone deserves access to cosmetic treatments that will help them achieve their aesthetic goals and make them feel more confident in their appearance. In an effort to make liposuction and other cosmetic treatments affordable, she is happy to offer CareCredit® financing, which allows patients to make low- or no-interest monthly payments for cosmetic services. In addition to in-office financing, patients can consider personal loans or lines of credit to cover the cost of liposuction treatment.

Contact Us

If you have been struggling to get rid of excess fat and improve body contours, you may be an ideal candidate for liposuction. To learn more about liposuction treatment, or to get a more personalized estimate of treatment costs, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Suzanne Yee. To get started, send us a message online, or call (501) 224-1044.