Suzanne Yee, MD

Rhinoplasty Recovery

Apr 25, 2022 @ 09:23 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty

The nose is the central facial feature, so it plays a significant role in the overall balance of the face. Because of this, even minor imperfections of the nose can leave someone feeling extremely self-conscious about their appearance. Rhinoplasty enhances the size or shape of the nose to help people achieve their aesthetic goals.

Plastic surgeon Suzanne Yee uses her artistic eye and surgical skill to offer rhinoplasty of the highest aesthetic quality. Following treatment at her Little Rock, AR, plastic surgery practice, patients should be prepared for what to expect during rhinoplasty recovery. Here, we provide an overview of the recovery process, including surgical side effects, the recovery timeline, and treatment results.

Rhinoplasty Side Effects

Side effects are inevitable following any surgical procedure and are a natural part of the recovery process. While rhinoplasty side effects may cause some discomfort, they should not last too long and are generally well tolerated by our Little Rock patients. The most common side effects of rhinoplasty include:

How Long Does Recovery Take?

Rhinoplasty side effects generally resolve within a week or two, but it takes longer for the bones and tissues of the nose to heal and stabilize. While every patient heals on their own timeframe, most patients are able to return to work and other routine activities within a week or two after surgery, depending on their line of work. To ensure that the nose continues to heal properly, and to minimize the risk of post-surgical complications, patients should avoid sports, exercise, and other strenuous activities for at least six weeks.

When Will I Notice Rhinoplasty Results?

Following rhinoplasty, our Little Rock patients are understandably excited to see the results of treatment. Because swelling and other surgical side effects will develop in the days immediately following surgery, patients should not expect to notice any significant changes in their nose right away. Instead, patients are likely to see a gradual change in their appearance over the first few weeks following treatment. 

As the tissues heal and inflammation goes down, surgical results will become more noticeable. Most patients see a marked difference in the appearance of their nose around three weeks after surgery. They may continue to see subtle changes in the nose as swelling continues to dissipate. While patients should have a good idea of the final surgical results they will achieve within a few months after surgery, it can take a full year for inflammation to completely subside.

Contact Us

If you are considering rhinoplasty surgery and would like more information about the procedure, the anticipated recovery timeline, or surgical results, Dr. Suzanne Yee would be happy to answer any questions you may have. To schedule a surgical consultation with Dr. Yee, contact our plastic surgery practice online or call (501) 224-1044 at your earliest convenience.