Suzanne Yee, MD

Who Are the Best Neck Lift Candidates?

May 17, 2018 @ 11:23 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Neck Lift

Dr. Suzanne Yee is a skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeon in Little Rock, AR who offers a wide range of treatments to enhance your appearance. Patients who wish to eliminate sagging or loose skin around the neckline can benefit from a neck lift procedure.

Here, we explore who makes the best neck life candidates and discuss the many benefits of this treatment.

Neck Lift Surgery: A Brief Overview

A neck lift procedure involves removing excess skin and reshaping the neckline for a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

To perform the procedure, Dr. Yee will create small incisions behind the lower ears and underneath the chin. Through these incisions, she will remove unwanted fat and excess skin, while recontouring the underlying structures. Finally, she will tighten and reposition the skin for a smooth and rejuvenated look.

General Candidacy for Neck Lift Treatment

To be considered for neck lift surgery, patients should be in good general health and free of any medical conditions that could lead to complications. Patients should also have a thorough understanding of the procedure and have reasonable expectations of treatment.

The best candidates will have sufficient skin elasticity. Therefore, in most cases qualifying patients will be under the age of 80.

A neck lift can effectively address:

Reasons to Undergo a Neck Lift Procedure

Virtually any healthy individual who wishes to eliminate sagginess and add definition to the neck area can pursue neck lift treatment.

There are two common reasons that many patients explore this treatment option:

Commonly Combined Procedures

Many of our patients choose to combine their neck lift with another cosmetic procedure. For example, a brow lift can smooth and eliminate wrinkles on the forehead. To reduce the signs of aging underneath the eyes, eyelid surgery can be performed.

Of course, there are also non-surgical options as well. To accentuate your new appearance, dermal fillers can be used to smooth away fine lines and facial wrinkles. No matter what your cosmetic goals, Dr. Yee can work with you to design a personalized treatment plan.

Contact Our Practice to Learn More

If you are ready to take years off of your appearance, consider what a neck lift or other cosmetic treatment can do for you. To explore your candidacy, schedule a consultation at our practice. You can contact us online anytime or give us a call at (501) 224-1044.