Suzanne Yee, MD

Abdominal Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

Oct 14, 2019 @ 03:30 PM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Liposuction Tummy Tuck Body Contouring

Many people have issues with the appearance and contours of their abdominal region. Excess fat, loose skin, and poor body contour are more common than you think. Thankfully Dr. Suzanne Yee offers numerous cosmetic body contouring surgeries at her Little Rock, AR office. Liposuction and/or tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) could be just what you’re looking for.

Patients often wonder if liposuction or a tummy tuck is ideal for them. Let’s take a moment to compare the procedures so you understand how they work and why one may be better for you than the other.

About Abdominal Liposuction

Abdominal liposuction is a cosmetic fat removal procedure. The surgery involves the use of a cannula, which is a thin metal tube inserted into the skin to access layers of underlying fat. Using this tube, a cosmetic surgeon can extract unwanted body fat from the stomach area, achieving a slimmer, trimmer appearance in the process.

Abdominal liposuction can be performed on all parts of the stomach, but it’s most common along the lower abdomen and the love handles.

When Abdominal Liposuction Is the Ideal Treatment

Abdominal liposuction is the best option for patients who struggle to lose the last bit of body fat that won’t respond to a healthy diet and regular exercise.

The surgery is not for weight loss purposes per se since only a certain amount of body fat can be safely taken from the body in a single session. Additionally, liposuction will not be able to tighten up loose abdominal skin or smooth away stretch marks. For skin tightening and contouring, our Little Rock recommends a more invasive surgery.

About Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a body contouring surgery that removes loose skin from the abdominal region. This creates a slimmer and better contoured abdominal area, also reducing the appearance of abdominal stretch marks in the process.

The tummy tuck involves incisions made along the lower abdomen, the primary incision being a lateral line spanning from one hipbone to the other. Through tummy tuck incisions, a plastic surgeon can adjust the underlying structures of the abdomen, remove loose skin, and pull the remaining skin tighter.

When a Tummy Tuck Is the Ideal Treatment

A tummy tuck is ideal when a person has lost a massive amount of weight. Major weight gain stretches the skin out, and major weight loss leads to a lot of loose skin. The skin will not be able to fully shrink back on its own, requiring surgery for tightening benefits.

Many people undergo tummy tuck surgery after natural weight loss, weight loss from bariatric surgery, or weight loss following childbirth.

Combining Liposuction with Tummy Tuck

It’s not uncommon for liposuction to be combined with tummy tuck surgery. Liposuction can be used to remove the last pockets of fat present in the abdominal region after major weight loss. Tummy tuck can be used to eliminate the sagging, drooping skin that’s the result of major weight loss.

Creating a Body Contouring Treatment for Your Needs

During a consultation at our plastic surgery center, we can go over your situation and determine the ideal procedure for you and your needs. Our goal is to custom tailor treatment to help you look and feel your absolute best.

Contact a Skilled Plastic Surgeon

For more information about fat removal and getting rid of loose skin around the belly, be sure to contact a board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon. Dr. Suzanne Yee can be reached at her office in Little Rock by phone at (501) 214-0650.