Suzanne Yee, MD

Massage after Breast Augmentation

May 10, 2020 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

Do small, asymmetrical, or misshapen breasts leave you feeling insecure about your bustline? Breast augmentation surgery can boost your chest size and your self-esteem.

Daily massage after breast augmentation can help your breasts stay soft and settle in a more cosmetically pleasing manner. There are even health benefits associated with the daily practice of gently stretching the healing breast tissue. Following your breast augmentation by Dr. Suzanne Yee in Little Rock, AR, massaging your breasts by following these tips can help you heal with great cosmetic results.

The Importance of Breast Massage after Augmentation Surgery

Daily breast massages can help your breast implants settle in a more cosmetically pleasing position. The daily routine also lowers your risk of a painful and serious complication called capsular contracture.

Helping Your Breasts “Drop and Fluff”

Many people find that their breast implants appear slightly elevated after surgery. Breast implants will naturally settle into a more natural-looking position in the days and weeks following breast augmentation. Once the breast implants drop, they will fluff. This is the natural process of expansion that leads to a more natural breast shape.

Daily breast massages facilitate both of these important breast implant movements. If you want your bustline to look its best, gently stretch and rub your breasts as indicated here.

Prevent Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture is a rare but serious complication that can occur during recovery. The exact cause of the complication is not known, although it is thought to be caused by the body’s autoimmune response to the presence of implants.

One symptom of capsular contracture is hardening of the tissue that surrounds the breast. Women with this condition report that their breasts are painful to touch.

You can avoid this post-surgery complication by following the breast massage guidelines outlined in this blog post.

Tips for Properly Massaging Your Breasts

Before you leave our Little Rock plastic surgery center, you will be given detailed recovery guidelines that should be followed closely. Your plastic surgery consultation is also a great time to ask Dr. Yee about her recommended breast massage techniques.

Common massage techniques include:

To gain the maximum benefits of breast massage after breast augmentation, spend several minutes massaging your breasts. Try to find time to do this two or three times per day, and don’t wait too long to start.

Your breasts will be sore after surgery, but most patients are able to start their massage routine a few days after surgery.

Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Today

Massaging your breasts a few times per day can enhance your final cosmetic results while lowering your risk of developing capsular contracture. To schedule your breast augmentation, please contact our office today or call (501) 222-8758.