Suzanne Yee, MD

Do I Need to Lose Weight Before Getting a Tummy Tuck?

Oct 7, 2023 @ 10:40 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Do I Need To Lose Weight Before Getting A Tummy Tuck

No matter how carefully someone watches their diet and exercise routine, unwanted fat deposits around the midsection are common. The stomach may also be compromised by loose, saggy skin, especially after pregnancy or weight fluctuations. 

Individuals in the Little Rock, AR, area who are unhappy with the appearance of their waistline can consider abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) with Dr. Suzanne Yee. A tummy tuck tightens and tones the stomach to provide a slimmer figure and more pleasing body contours. Dr. Yee is often asked, “Do I need to lose weight before getting a tummy tuck?” We address that concern here and offer tips for maintaining tummy tuck results.

When to Consider Weight Loss Before a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery procedure that enhances the appearance of the stomach by eliminating excess fat and tissues. The surgery gives the stomach a slimmer and more toned appearance. While tummy tuck surgery removes unwanted fat, the amount of fat removed during treatment is limited. A tummy tuck is not a weight loss procedure; it is geared more towards tightening the skin and defining the waistline.

Even though a tummy tuck is not intended to assist people in losing significant weight, that doesn’t necessarily mean someone has to lose weight before their procedure. Individuals who are at a stable weight and within 10 to 15 pounds of their ideal weight range should not need to lose weight before tummy tuck surgery. 

If a person’s weight is fluctuating, they are in the process of losing weight, or they are over their ideal weight range by more than 15 pounds, we recommend losing weight before tummy tuck treatment. Once a person is within their healthy weight range, they should wait six to 12 months to undergo a tummy tuck to ensure their weight remains stable. Any weight fluctuations after a tummy tuck could stretch the skin and compromise surgical results.

Weight Loss Tips

We understand that shedding excess weight is not easy. Fortunately, many of our Little Rock patients can lose weight and prepare for a tummy tuck without making drastic changes. These daily tips can help individuals reach a healthy weight:

Maintaining Tummy Tuck Results

By reaching their ideal weight before undergoing tummy tuck surgery, our Little Rock patients can ensure optimal surgical results. However, patients must continue to practice healthy habits after treatment to maintain tummy tuck results long-term. It is essential to lead an active lifestyle, consume a nutritious diet, and avoid significant weight fluctuations.

Contact Our Office

If you are interested in a tummy tuck and would like to know if you are an ideal candidate for the procedure or could benefit from losing weight before treatment, we invite you to schedule a surgical consultation with Dr. Suzanne Yee. To get started, contact our cosmetic and laser surgery center today.