Breast Augmentation Surgery Overview
Many women experience positive life changes following breast augmentation surgery, including increased self-confidence. At the Little Rock practice of Dr. Suzanne Yee, breast augmentation is performed on an outpatient basis using the most up-to-date techniques to speed recovery time and reduce discomfort. Dr. Yee’s commitment to personalized care and natural-looking results will ensure your satisfaction with your breast augmentation surgery. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Yee, contact our office today.
The techniques used during breast augmentation surgery can vary somewhat. For example, you may choose silicone or saline implants. Also, the implant may be placed in a pocket beneath the pectoral muscle or over it, according to preference and individual anatomy. Dr. Yee will have determined which of these options is best for you during your consultation. Outside of these considerations, the breast augmentation procedure follows a series of general steps.
Prep for Surgery
In the first step, you will arrive at Dr. Yee’s surgery center and be met by a team member who will prepare you for surgery. You will change into a hospital gown and be scrubbed with an antimicrobial soap, which will minimize the risk of infection.
Next, Dr. Yee will use a marker to indicate where the breast implant incisions will be made. The incision placement varies according to the type of implant, degree of enlargement chosen, and patient anatomy. During your prior consultation, you and Dr. Yee will have already determined the placement in one of three areas: around the nipple (periareolar incision), or in the fold below the breast (inframammary incision).
Implant Placement
During the second step, you will be attached to several monitors that will allow the surgical team to observe your heart rate, blood pressure, and other vital signs. A nurse will insert an intravenous (IV) line inside your elbow or on your hand, which will be used to administer general anesthesia and also keep you hydrated during surgery. The anesthesiologist will deliver the medication, and carefully monitor you throughout your procedure. After the anesthesia takes full effect, the procedure will begin.
Dr. Yee will make a small incision in the area that she marked. She will then make a pocket for the implant using the Rapid Recovery Method, a technique that allows patients to return to normal activity within 24 hours of surgery. After the pocket is made, the implant will be inserted. Saline implants are inserted empty and filled after the shell is placed in the pocket, while silicone implants are placed filled. If silicone implants are being used, Dr. Yee may use the Keller Funnel™ to place them. This device guides the implant into place without disturbing the surrounding tissue, which decreases infection risk and helps patients recover quicker and more comfortably.
After the implants are in place, you will be put in an upright position so they can be checked for symmetry. After any adjustments are made, the incisions will be closed and a dressing will be applied to protect the area. An elastic bandage over the dressing will secure the implant in place and help reduce swelling.
Recovery and Aftercare
Once surgery is complete, you will be awakened and taken to a recovery room, where you should expect to feel groggy. Recovery room staff will monitor you for approximately two hours before you go home. Someone will need to drive you home, and it is recommended that someone stay with you for the remainder of the day and at least the first night. Dr. Yee will have already given you post-operative instructions, which you should follow carefully.
Learn More During a Consultation
If you are interested in breast augmentation surgery and would like to learn more, contact our office today.