Natrelle® 410: Gummy Bear Implants for Enhanced Contouring and a Natural Feel
If you are concerned with the size, shape, or volume of your breasts, it can have a significant impact on your overall confidence and the way you identify with your femininity. Dr. Suzanne Yee is committed to helping each of our patients look and feel their very best, and prefers breast enhancement procedures and techniques that offer conservative, natural-looking results. That is why we are excited to offer Natrelle® 410 gummy bear implants at our Little Rock office. The Natrelle® 410 implant features a highly cohesive silicone gel - a technology that offers numerous patient benefits, like improved texture. And because the implant is anatomically shaped, similar to a teardrop, it provides enhanced contouring that mimics a woman's natural curves. You can learn more about your candidacy for breast augmentation, as well as which type of implant is right for you, during a consultation at our practice. Reach out to us today to book an appointment with Dr. Yee.
Advancements in Silicone Implant Technology
Although silicone-filled implants have been popular for decades, the newer highly cohesive gel fillers mark an exciting new development in the field of cosmetic surgery. This advanced silicone stays together more uniformly, not only creating a more precise contour, but also decreasing the risk of gel migration in ruptured implants. For years, Natrelle® 410 implants have been the top pick of European and Canadian surgeons using shaped gel implants, and now patients in the United States can experience the benefits of this product as well.
Patient Benefits and Considerations
Natrelle® 410 implants offer a wealth of unique benefits, including:
- Improved texture: Highly cohesive gel is designed to feel soft yet firm, just like breast tissue.
- Enhanced contour: Natrelle® 410 implants are not only shaped like a woman's breasts, but the gel has an extremely low rippling and wrinkling rate.
- Decreased risk of capsular contracture: The Natrelle® 410 implant has a nearly 70% lower risk of capsular contracture - a tightening of scar tissue that causes breasts to become unnaturally hard - than the maker's round silicone implants.
- Increased safety: In tests, ruptured Natrelle® 410 implants were found to have no gel migration - even after seven years.
Many of our patients choose to receive implants at the same time a breast lift is performed for even more comprehensive results, or as part of a personalized treatment plan, like a mommy makeover.
During your initial appointment, Dr. Yee will discuss your aesthetic concerns and treatment goals to determine which implant is best for you. She will also conduct a thorough evaluation to determine if you are in good health and do not have any medical conditions that could compromise your safety, like a weakened immune system.
Learn More during a Consultation
Whether you are interested in increasing your cup size, lifting the profile of your breasts, or learning more about your reconstruction options, consider the benefits offered by cohesive silicone gel implants. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more about how breast surgery can boost your self-confidence and satisfaction in your appearance.