Enjoy Advanced Feminine Rejuvenation with ThermiVa™
Using the same technology as ThermiTight™ and ThermiSmooth™, ThermiVa™ offers a breakthrough in feminine rejuvenation. Dr. Suzanne Yee's medical staff performs ThermiVa™ procedures at our Little Rock, AR, plastic surgery practice to help patients enhance the appearance and function of their vaginal tissue. Aging, hereditary issues, medical conditions, and other factors can cause the tissue in this region to degenerate, causing a variety of health and cosmetic concerns. ThermiVa™ techniques are minimally invasive and effective, providing outstanding outcomes without the need for more complex procedures. To learn more about ThermiVa™, contact our plastic surgery practice today and schedule a consultation with Dr. Yee.

Who is a Candidate?
ThermiVa™ can benefit many women, but you must meet certain basic criteria to qualify for this treatment. You may be a good candidate for this procedure if you suffer from:
- Vaginal and vulvo laxity (loss of tightness): This condition can lead to diminished sensation and satisfaction. A sagging labia can also make you feel self-conscious. This issue can occur due to aging, damage, congenital concerns, or other causes.
- Atrophic vaginitis: Lower estrogen levels can lead to weakening and inflammation in the vaginal walls, which may make sexual activity painful and interfere with reproductive or urinary function.
- An overactive bladder or urinary incontinence: ThermiVa™ can help modify the tissue to help address these concerns.
- Dysorgasmia (painful orgasm) or anorgasmia (inability to orgasm)
- Excessive vaginal sweating, which may be related to other gynecological conditions
- Poor vaginal lubrication
- Excessive Labia and wanting a non-surgical alternative to a labiaplasty
You should be in good general health, without any medical conditions or allergies that could interfere with the treatment process or its success. It is also important to have realistic expectations about the results of ThermiVa™. Dr. Yee will help you understand what you can anticipate from this treatment.
If you are interested in pursuing ThermiVa™ or another physician refers you to our office for this treatment, Dr. Yee will begin by seeing you for an initial consultation. During this appointment, she will conduct an examination, go over your medical records, and discuss your concerns with you to determine if you qualify for ThermiVa™.
The Procedure
The ThermiVa™ procedure is relatively simple and noninvasive. When you come to our office in Little Rock for treatment, Dr. Yee will clean the area, apply gel, and use an instrument to transmit radiofrequency waves both inside and outside of your vagina. She will use the attached computer to carefully set the device to the right amount of energy. The heat generated by the ThermiVa™ machine will help shrink your cells, tighten your tissue, and encourage greater collagen production. This treatment requires no anesthesia and most patients experience little to no discomfort. Dr. Yee will perform ThermiVa™ in increments of five minutes to achieve your desired results. Patients require 2-3 sessions initially, and then a maintenance treatment once a year. ThermiVa™ outcomes continue to develop for about six months after initial treatment.
Find Out More About ThermiVa™
If you are interested in vaginal rejuvenation but want to avoid complex procedures or plastic surgery, ThermiVa™ could be the right solution for you. Contact us today to learn more about this treatment or schedule a consultation with Dr. Yee.