Enhance Your Appearance with Thermi™
Dr. Suzanne Yee and our team are proud to offer Thermi™ at our Little Rock, AR, plastic surgery practice. This advanced technology is very effective for minimally invasive skin tightening and feminine rejuvenation. Our office was the first in the state to offer these sophisticated procedures. Thermi™ products utilize the power of carefully calibrated radiofrequency waves to refine patients’ tissue without requiring more invasive or complex surgery. Dr. Yee utilizes multiple techniques and tools from this company to enhance the appearance and function of our patients’ faces and bodies. To learn more about Thermi™ or find out how these products may benefit you, contact our office today and schedule a consultation with Dr. Yee.

Dr. Yee can help you achieve a fitter, more svelte appearance with ThermiTight™, a subdermal skin tightening system. We often recommend this procedure for patients with sagging or wrinkled skin on the neck, face, abdomen, knees, thighs, arms, and chest. If you wish to undergo this treatment, Dr. Yee will begin by providing local anesthesia to numb your tissue and keep you comfortable. She will then insert a tiny probe under your skin and use it to conduct special radiofrequency energy to your tissue. These waves cause your cells to contract and encourage your body to produce more collagen, an important protein that contributes to the skin's firmness and elasticity. ThermiTight™ procedures typically take less than an hour and require minimal recovery time.
Dr. Yee can harness the power of Thermi™ for feminine rejuvenation with ThermiVa™ treatments. These procedures can address vaginal and vulvo laxity, atrophic vaginitis, urinary incontinence, conditions relating to orgasm, vaginal sweating, poor lubrication, elongated labia, and other issues. ThermiVa™ uses controlled thermal energy to safely and effectively produce the desired effects on the treatment areas. It is the same temperature controlled radio frequency system technology that has been used for years in ThermiTight™ and ThermiSmooth Face™ procedures to minimize the effects of aging. Three separate in-office treatments over three months is all it takes to complete the ThermiVa™ procedure. There is no downtime, and no anesthesia is required. It is a wonderful treatment option for women who desire results without surgery.
If you would like to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles without undergoing a facelift or another more invasive procedure, ThermiRase™ may be an appropriate option for you. During this treatment, Dr. Yee will use innovative technology to map your nerve pathways and then use this information to adjust the tissue using radiofrequency energy transmitted through tiny probes similar to those used in ThermiTight™ treatment. This procedure prevents your muscles from contracting to form wrinkles and lines. Like ThermiTight™, it can also shrink your cells and stimulate collagen growth. The results of ThermiRase™ typically last for 12 to 18 months. Dr. Yee most often recommends this treatment to address furrows and jowls.
ThermiSmooth Face™
ThermiSmooth Face™ uses the same radiofrequency technology as ThermiTight™ and ThermiRase™, except that it is an entirely topical procedure, making it even less invasive. Dr. Yee can perform this procedure to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles, neck folds, and stretch marks. During your ThermiSmooth Face™ appointment, Dr. Yee will apply a special gel to your skin and use a handheld radiofrequency tool to transmit heat to the tissue in your desired treatment areas. She will move the instrument in wavy, circular patterns for approximately five minutes at a time. Like other ThermiAesthetics™ treatments, this will help your body produce more collagen and shrink the cells. Many patients find ThermiSmooth Face™ procedures relaxing and even enjoyable. You may require just one or several of these hour-long treatment sessions.
Schedule a Consultation
ThermiAesthetics™ can help boost your self-esteem, enhance your appearance, and improve the function of your body for a better quality of life. Contact us today to learn more about these products or schedule a consultation with Dr. Yee.