Suzanne Yee, MD

Mommy Makeover for New Mommies

Aug 16, 2016 @ 09:04 AM — by Crystal Davidson
Tagged with: Dr Suzanne Yee Mommy Makeover Nonsurgical

Just like motherhood, the Mommy Makeover can be a life changing procedure!  You fully give your body to this tiny being to grow inside, stretch, and to ultimately give birth.  While this is one of the most wondrous parts of nature, the aftermath may not be so great.  Pregnancy can leave you with melasma, stretched skin, stretch marks, saggy breast, new fat bulges, and vaginal laxity.  With each pregnancy, these issues may become worse than before.  That is why a majority of women opt for the "Mommy Makeover", which can be a combination of procedures, including; breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, tummy tuck, and/or liposuction.  The Mommy Makeover is the ultimate "Get Your Groove" back procedure, but it may not be for you if you're still growing your family.  Dr. Yee recommends that you are fished with pregnancies before undergoing this procedure, as another pregnancy will most likely change your surgical results.  So what about us ladies that aren't quite finished adding to your family tree, or just aren't sure if we're going to be one & done?  For that, Dr. Yee offers several options.


Non-Surgical Cosmetic treatments are becoming very popular with the younger generation for both preventative and corrective measures.  These types of procedures are great for first time moms who may not have permanent damage, such as Diastasis Recti (separation of abdominal muscles), from their previous pregnancy or pregnancies.  Also, new mommies may not have time for a long recovery and limitations, they have young kiddos to chase!  This is where non-surgical comes in... Below is a list of the most popular postpartum concerns and treatment options!


Body Skin Tightening - During pregnancy, your stomach (and other parts of the body) stretch like you never thought possible.  The stretching can damage the fibers of the skin, causing it to seem saggy and lax after delivery.  If your one of the lucky ones, your skin will retract back close to pre-pregnancy appearance.  For everyone else, there's skin tightening.


Stretch Marks - As your belly grows to accommodate baby, your skin is stretched constantly.  Skin becomes especially stretched during later stages of pregnancy when the baby is growing rapidly.  This can cause deep layers of the skin to tear creating the appearance of lines on the outer layer of skin.  Stretch marks can be either purple or white.


Fatty Bulges - After the baby weight comes off, there may be lump or two in places you've never had an ounce fat!  Fat deposits on areas such as the abdomen, arms, hips, waist, and legs are very common.  While liposuction is amazing and yields surgical results, non invasive fat reduction is key for Mom on the go!


Melasma - Melasma (pregnancy mask) is a common skin condition that may arise during pregnancy.  The influx of hormones in the body cause brownish patches on areas of the face.  The condition may clear itself, but many women are left with pregnancy mask long after giving birth.


Vaginal Laxity - During birth, the tissues in the vagina are stretched and some women may experience urinary incontinence, poor lubrication, and larger labia.


If you've lost your figure, have unwanted marks, and/or skin conditions with Baby #1.... There are few things you can do to get back your pre-pregnancy body before Baby #2!