Suzanne Yee, MD

What are My Mommy Makeover Options?

Jun 6, 2021 @ 09:35 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Mommy Makeover Little Rock Dr Suzanne Yee

Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding can all take a toll on your body and self-image. It’s common for mothers to experience loose skin, stretch marks, drooping breasts, and other aesthetic issues after giving birth. A mommy makeover can help. A mommy makeover combines multiple plastic surgery procedures that improve the shape and appearance of a woman’s body.

Dr. Suzanne Yee prioritizes safety and modern technology at her Little Rock, AR, office, which helps mommy makeover patients feel more assured about the surgical process. Now that you know what a mommy makeover is, let’s go over some common procedures that mothers can benefit from.

Breast Lift

Hormones cause the breasts to grow larger in pregnancy to prepare for breastfeeding. Nursing, changing hormone levels, and gravity can cause saggy breasts. A breast lift elevates breasts by removing excess skin and adjusting the surrounding tissue. The result is a more youthful appearance.

A breast lift will not increase the size of the breasts but can make them appear firmer, perkier, and more symmetrical. A breast lift can be combined with implants if a patient wants to increase their breast size.

Breast Augmentation

When a woman is pregnant, the breasts swell exponentially to prepare for nursing. After childbirth, the breasts return to their original size. Sometimes the breasts lose volume after childbirth. Some women miss the fullness and projection of their breasts before pregnancy.

Breast augmentation uses silicone or saline implants to increase breast size, improve balance, correct asymmetry, and enhance self-confidence. As noted above, implants can be used during a lift procedure to improve the perkiness and size of the breasts.

Breast Reduction

For some women, their breasts remain larger after pregnancy and breastfeeding. If the breasts are heavier than a woman’s frame can handle, this can lead to many problems, including:

Breast reduction removes fatty and glandular tissue from the breasts for more balanced proportions. The procedure may be combined with a lift in order to enhance the perkiness of a woman’s breasts.

Tummy Tuck

The expansion of a woman’s stomach during pregnancy often leads to stretch marks and loose skin around the abdomen. This is a common cause of self-consciousness since the skin will not fully shrink back around the mother’s slimmer frame.

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) removes loose skin from around the abdominal region. A plastic surgeon can also adjust the underlying muscle and connective tissue of the stomach. By removing excess skin and enhancing the abdominal muscles, we can greatly improve the firmness and overall appearance of a woman’s belly.


Some pockets of body fat will not respond to a healthy diet and regular exercise. These stubborn fat deposits can throw off the body contour and make a mother feel discouraged about her appearance.

Liposuction eliminates fat from specific areas of the body. Targeted fat removal enhances appearance and can help patients look fitter and more energetic. Liposuction can play a role in tummy tuck surgery, helping sculpt a better abdominal region.

Which Surgeries Are Right for Me?

Each mommy makeover is different. During a consultation with Dr. Yee at her Little Rock plastic surgery center, you can go over all of your options. Together you can create a treatment plan that’s right for you.

Schedule a Consultation

If you want to discuss your mommy makeover options with Dr. Yee, send us a message online to set up an appointment. You can also call our Little Rock location at (501) 224-1044.